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Getting Started

This section covers the basics to get started with the development on the SF-Operator's code base.

  1. Requirements
  2. Run the operator
  3. Access the services web UI
  4. Delete the development deployment
  5. Next actions



You will need to install the following tools on your dev machine:

  • kubectl
  • git
  • git-review
  • golang >= 1.21
  • make
  • ansible-core
  • jq

The following tools are not mandatory, but they will make your life much easier:

  • python-tox
  • python-kubernetes
  • skopeo
  • buildah


You need an OpenShift cluster or equivalent on which to run the operator and deploy resources. The requirements for the cluster are the ones listed in the operator section of this documentation. We recommend however using a dedicated MicroShift instance, as it is much more flexible for hacking, and also the environment used to test and develop SF-Operator.

You can read about how to deploy a MicroShift instance here.

Prepare development context

sf-operator uses the current context in your kubeconfig file (i.e. whatever cluster kubectl cluster-info shows). Make sure that your current context is the right one for development. In this example, we are using the microshift context:

kubectl config current-context
# Must be microshift, if not:
kubectl create namespace sf
kubectl config set-context microshift --namespace=sf

Ensure the following minimal settings in your sf-operator CLI file:

    namespace: sf
default-context: my-context

Consult Create a sf-operator configuration file and The configuration file schema if needed.

Then run the sf-operator command:

go run main.go --config /path/to/sfcli.yaml dev create demo-env

This command performs the following tasks:

  • ensure the deployment of a test Gerrit instance
  • ensure the checkout of the config, demo-tenant-config and demo-project git repositories in the directory of your choosing (defaults to deploy)
  • ensure the configuration of a test openshiftpods provider for nodepool
  • ensure a Route called "sf-gateway" to target the "gateway" Service

The context is now ready to run the sf-operator using the manager or the standalone modes.

Run the operator

To iterate on the development of the sf-operator you can either start the operator using:

  • the manager mode: the is the default running mode of the operator. The SoftwareFactory's 'sCRD must be installed into the cluster, and the operator watches for a CR to reconcile the state in the namespace.
  • the standalone mode: does not require the installation of the CRD. The controller-runtime's client is used to perform a SofwareFactory deployment based on yaml definition passed as parameter.

First, apply the SoftwareFactory's CR:

kubectl apply -n sf -f playbooks/files/sf.yaml

then run the operator with the following command:

go run main.go --namespace sf operator


The command does not return and wait for events to run the reconcile.

You can kill and restart this process every time you modify the code base to see your changes applied to the deployed resources.

Any change on the applied SofwareFactory's CR will re-trigger the reconcile.

Run the operator with the following command:

go run main.go --namespace sf deploy playbooks/files/sf.yaml


The command returns when the expected state is applied.

Each change to the CR, passed as parameter, will require a new run of the command to reconcile the change.

Access the services web UI

You can verify that the services are properly exposed with Firefox (you may have to accept insecure connections when deploying with the default self-signed CA):

firefox https://<FQDN>/zuul
firefox https://<FQDN>/logs
firefox https://<FQDN>/nodepool/api/image-list
firefox https://<FQDN>/nodepool/builds
firefox https://gerrit.<FQDN>

Delete the development deployment

Wipe your deployment by running:

go run main.go --namespace sf dev wipe sf --rm-data

Next actions

Now that you have a testing environment set up, you may want to run the test suite on your modifications.