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Getting Started with a deployment

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Installation
  3. Next steps


For simplicity's sake, we will refer to a Zuul-based CI infrastructure that can be deployed with SF-Operator as a "Software Factory".

In order to deploy a Software Factory with the SF-Operator on an OpenShift cluster, you will need the following:

  1. The SF-Operator must be installed on the cluster. Ask your cluster admin whether it is the case or not; or if you are allowed to install it on the cluster, follow the Operator's installation steps in the documentation.
  2. A valid kubeconfig file, for a user with enough rights to create a namespace (optional) and enable privileged SCCs on the target namespace.


We recommend using a dedicated namespace to deploy your Software Factory. Furthermore, only one instance of a Software Factory must be deployed per namespace due to name and label collisions.


Currently, the namespace must allow privileged containers to run. Indeed the zuul-executor container requires extra privileges because of bubblewrap.


The zuul-executor deployment can be disabled via the CRD. Doing so the privileged SCC is not required. The zuul-executor component can be deployed externally to the control plane where privileged SCC is allowed. See the section External executor.

In this example we will create a dedicated namespace called sf. Then the next command below configure privileged access on this namespace; modify the command as needed if using a different namespace.


Note that these commands might need to be run by a user with enough privileges to create and modify namespaces and policies.

kubectl create namespace sf
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged system:serviceaccount:sf:default

Create a SoftwareFactory Custom Resource as a file named my-sf.yaml. Here is a minimal example that uses a default configuration; only the base FQDN for the services is mandatory:

kind: SoftwareFactory
  name: my-sf
  namespace: sf
  fqdn: ""

then create the resource with:

kubectl -n sf create -f my-sf.yaml

After some time, a resource called my-sf will appear as READY:

kubectl -n sf get sf
my-sf   true

The sf-operator handles the Routes installation. Here is the lists of available endpoints:


At that point you have successfully deployed a SoftwareFactory instance. You can access the Zuul Web UI at

Next steps

To finalize the deployment, you'll need to set up a config repository.